TAP by Todd Pownell
The jewelry designs behind TAP by Todd Pownell are the pique of craftsmanship and creativity—a unified result of the talents and experiences of Todd Pownell, Debra Rosen and their small team working out of Cleveland, Ohio. TAP’s root aesthetic is a romantic, sophisticated celebration of natural elements. The routinely elegant designs are enhanced by the prioritization of moral practices. As responsible jewelers, they exercise social and environmental responsibility by exclusively using ethically-mined stones and metals, maintaining a healthy work environment and managing their studio operations with green practices. 
TAP evolved from the varied combined experiences of its founders, Todd and Debra. Todd is a technically trained goldsmith and graduate gemologist with fine jewelry historical knowledge. Debra’s experience is rooted in the European studio atelier practice and its jewelry fine art traditions. Together as a couple they merged their complementary perceptions to the romantic aesthetic that identifies the TAP jewelry design sophistication. 